Key visual Theaterfestival auawirleben Bern


Gerben Vaillant (Amsterdam)

Place Zentrum Markus - Annex

Language English

Duration 45 min

The audience can move freely around the room during the performance. Some seating is available.

Friday 24.5. 18:30 | Friday 24.5. 21:30 | Saturday 25.5. 18:30

«31-ways-back-to-that-Sunday» is set somewhere between an installation and a stage performance and is about the coming and going of others. Gerben Vaillant wanted to experience the big story, but a lot has happened along the way. Now he collects things from the rooms of ex-lovers and reconstructs the course of events.

Gerben Vaillant is an interdisciplinary performance artist. During his studies at the Mime School of the Amsterdam University of the Arts, he developed a fascination for productions that revolve around the distance between people and so-called reality. Sensitive and radical at the same time, he works with a range of forms: Text, dance, image, philosophy, trash - always with an open outcome, often atmospheric and sometimes confusing in the best sense of the word.

Easy Read

In «31-ways-back-to-that- Sunday», Gerben tells a story. In it certain things went differently than imagined. To be honest, the story takes some pretty crazy turns!

Translation into Sign Language

The performance of 22.5. will be translated into Swiss German Sign Language (DSGS).

Interpreter: Tanja Joseph

For this event you can find an explanatory video in DSGS here.

Relaxed Performance

The performances are Relaxed Performances. The audience space is not completely darkened. There are no loud noises. The audience is allowed leave the room and come back in during the performance. The audience is not expected to be completely still. Babies and children are welcome.

During the performance, the audience can move around freely in the space. Some seats are available.

The performance lasts 45 minutes, there is no interval.

There is a Relaxed Space at Zentrum Markus – Beiz where you can retreat to at any time. It’s open whenever the bar is open. There you will find some beanbags, mats, blankets, cushions, dimmed light and sensory tools. The Relaxed Space is signposted.  

For people with mobility disabilities

Zentrum Markus – Annex is accessible barrier-free. There is a lift to the performance space on the 1st floor. There is a barrier-free toilet on the ground floor.

Special Check-In

At auawirleben you have the option of a Special Check-In. If for any reason you would like to avoid the regular admission, require a specific seat, need any mobility assistance or would like to be picked up at the bus station, please contact us in advance ( Someone from the team will accompany you according to your needs.

Access Friend

At Zentrum Markus - Annex you will find an Access Friend before, during and after the performances. This person is marked with a purple waistcoat. If you have any questions about accessibility or need assistance, please turn to the Access Friend.

Social Story

Social stories are used as a tool to prepare people for a social event such as a theatre performance. In our Social Stories, you will find a description for each performance, what situation to expect at the venue and what customs apply there. You can find the (German) Social Story of «31-ways-back-to that-Sunday» as PDF here.

Concept & Performance
Gerben Vaillant
Timon Persoon